This is a super cute story. Do you have any pictures of the stairs you made? I’m curious how you crafted them!

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I went looking and couldn't find any pics of them. But basically it was a few boxes, and I think the laundry basket as well. And we just piled them up to make a vague approximation of steps. It was pretty makeshift but it did the job for her.

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Ah so the steps do not currently exist? Can she get up there solo now?

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We don't live there anymore, and the wardrobe didn't follow us 🤷‍♂️

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:) what do the cats climb up to nowadays? 🥰

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Oh eeeeeeverything they can, and a few things we didn't realise they could.

Bedroom window had some stuff that lets them get right up to the top, bathroom window also becimes popular when it's warm enough to be open, the tvs (seriously, Cally does a balancing act along them) the back of the bed - often using bits of me as a step. Basically if it's over 3ft off the ground, at least keast one of them has figured out how to get up, even if it's just to show they can.

They are also fond of just hidey places, at any level. And we have plenty of little places they can feel hidden in (even if they're not).

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